January was not our greatest month ever, although we had a lot of fun, I also spent quite a bit of the month in bed with pneumonia (it wasn't fun at all). Thankfully my aunt Anita is off of work for a little bit, she came over just about everyday and watched the kids so that I could rest, otherwise I would still probably be sick. This is one reason why our blog has been so behind. I finally started to get better last week.
Emma loves to play with James, it is fun to watch them interact with each other, she will read him books, and show him her toys, and try to get him to hold onto her toys.
James doesn't really seem to mind the attention from Emma, but we do have to keep reminding her at times to be careful, and sometimes to leave him alone (like when he's sleeping).
She also likes her purses, and has taken a few of them from Aunt Emily.
James doesn't really seem to mind the attention from Emma, but we do have to keep reminding her at times to be careful, and sometimes to leave him alone (like when he's sleeping).
One of our friends had extra tickets to a magic show, and he gave them to us. Emma had fun at first, but she got bored pretty quickly (we did to). I think her favorite part was the end, he made lots of balloon animals, and then made it snow.
One of Emma's favorite places to be is on Grandpa's lap reading a book. She loves to climb up and play too. (I'm pretty sure that Grandpa likes it even more than she does)