Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer University and Sumo wrestling

As many of you know my mom works for UVU, every year they have something called summer university, and at the end there is an employee party for the families. This year they did it outside in the courtyard. We had a lot of fun. They had these canoes that you could take out in the pond, Emma had fun doing this, she really wanted to row herself, I had to help her out a little bit. She thought this was great.
Along with the canoes, they had cookie decorating, coloring, a fish pond, and an animal show. Emma loved the animal show. She touched several different animals, she got to touch a hedgehog that was relaxed and one that wasn't. The one that wasn't was curled up in a ball, and had it's little prickly things sticking up. I was especially proud of her for touching this one, it passed by a bunch of boys between the ages of 8 and 10 before it got to her, none of them would touch, they were all scared, so I thought for sure she wouldn't, when it got to her, I asked her if she wanted to touch it, and she nodded and put her hand out. Just as she touched it the hedgehog jumped a little, so it scared her, and she didn't want to touch it again. She also touched a very colorful bird, and some type of lizard (I don't remember the names of the animals). The animal show was perfect for the party.

James and Emma got some new sunglasses before we went over, and surprisingly, James doesn't mind wearing them. Isn't he cute in his new shades.
And now the pictures you've all been waiting for...

While Emma and I were enjoying the animal show Geoff came up to me and said he wanted to try the sumo suits, I told him to go ahead, what I didn't understand was that he wanted me to do it with him, not exactly my thing. I agreed, knowing that there wasn't really anybody else for him to do it with. So here we are getting dressed in the suits. Geoff had and easy time putting his on, but mine was a bit more difficult.

My Dad had to hold it up and I tried to climb in, but because I'm so short it wasn't exactly easy.
Here we are before the whole event, I could hardly move, let alone pose.
Geoff had promised that he would take it easy on me, and he did at first.
He let me take a couple of shots at him, and then...
He attacked! He knocked me over, and then proceeded to jump on me, as you can see, if you look closely, it didn't feel nice.
I couldn't get myself up because the suit was too heavy, to Geoff and my Dad pulled me out. This was a fun experience, but not one I am ready to repeat, after we left the party I started to hurt, and for days I felt like I had been in a car accident. We had fun though.


melinda said...

ahahahahahahahah! k me and the girls were looking at these pics. The sumo ones are so funny! Looks like you guys had alot fun.

Daisy said...

that is hilarious! Mandy- you look like a baby in that sumo suit!